By just about any measuring stick you care to use, my
hobbies and interests put me solidly in the geek community. I love science
fiction and fantasy and super heroes. Gaming is one of my passions. Heck, back
when I was part of a dance troupe, it was a Morris Dancing side.
But, having said that, I realize that my geek nature is kind
of old school. I read a lot more books than I watch movies or television shows.
I pretty much play tabletop games and have hardly any experience with video games.
To be honest, a lot of my recreational use of computers and tablets is to use
them to read books or play board games on electronic forums.
Now, I’m not some sort of hater. I have nothing against
movies or video games. I think they are really amazing mediums. Every year that
passes, I feel like I am living in a work of science fiction and the future
really is turning out to be a great place. However, my geek nature is rooted in
paper and cardboard.
The fact that I’m getting pretty close to forty might have
something to do with it. I’m not saying “Get off my hobby, you rotten kids!”
But I grew up with books and dice and such. I recently became a dad and I have
a feeling that my son’s world will be a whole lot more digital than mine. (And
I’m looking forward to watching him explore it. Probably learn quite a bit from
him, I will)
So I’ve decided to start this blog to write about my
hobbies. To talk about the books I’m reading and enjoying, the role playing
game experiences I’ve had and the board games that I’ve enjoyed. It’s been a
whole lot of fun and I figure it will keep on being fun and I want to share it.
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